Episode 24 – Rob “Cujo” Teschner – Invite Honest Feedback

Robert “Cujo” Teschner is a former member of the F-15C Eagle West Coast Demonstration team. He was the #1 F-15C graduate in his class at the USAF Weapons Instructor Course in the Air Force version of TOP GUN. Cujo was asked to return as an F-15C Weapons School Instructor and subsequently became the US Air Force subject matter expert on team accountability, something high-performance teams refer to as a Debrief. Cujo eventually commanded one of America’s very few operational F-22A Raptor squadrons, leading his team to success flying missions both home and abroad.
Cujo is the Founder and CEO of VMax Group. VMax Group has grown quickly and helped companies in a range of industries embrace the potential of teamwork done right. Some of his recent clients include Northwestern Mutual, TEC Canada, HomeVestors and RubinBrown. Cujo is the national bestselling author of Debrief to Win: How America’s Top Guns Practice Accountable Leadership and How You Can, Too! Cujo now speaks regularly at conferences and summits on the lessons he learned flying high-performance fighters at the edge of the performance envelope, and through his company he and his growing team teach businesses how to embrace and develop accountability-centered teamwork practices.